
Showing posts from December, 2022

Brains and Beauty: The Bottlenose Dolphin

 Brains and Beauty: The Bottlenose Dolphin   Travel & Tourism The relationship between dolphins and humans has always been a special one. In many cases, some wild species appear to seek out human interaction. Close encounters are not uncommon and there are even some fascinating stories about dolphins coming to the aid of humans. The desire to get up close to these beautiful creatures has seen dolphin watching cruises become a very sought-after wildlife travel experience. Few places in the world offer a more cetacean-rich habitat than Mexico's Baja California and the Sea of Cortez. One of the world's longest peninsulas, the region sits on the convergence of three oceanic currents and provides the perfect marine ecosystem to support the  most commonly encountered cetacean species, the Bottlenose Dolphin. Brains and Beauty: Fast Facts •The Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncates) is renowned for its extremely high intelligence and very playful nature. Often observed surfing the

Plants of the Galapagos: The Arid Plant Zone

 Plants of the Galapagos: The Arid Plant Zone   Travel & Tourism The wildlife of the Galapagos Islands is world-renowned, with nature lovers travelling from all over the world to encounter its unique and iconic species. But with three very distinct vegetation zones, the plants of the Galapagos are every bit as diverse and fascinating. More than 30% of the total species are endemic to the region, which is more than anywhere else on the planet. The Vegetation Zones The three distinct vegetation zones of the archipelago are the coastal, the humid and the arid zones. The coastal plants are extremely hardy and resistant to salty conditions, while the humid zones (found in the highlands of the larger islands) support an array of mosses and epiphytes. The arid (otherwise known as dry) zones are the largest, comprising vast swathes of the islands' lowland habitat. The Plants of the Arid Zone The plants of the Galapagos that thrive in the dry lowland areas of the volcanic archipelago a

4 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

 4 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes   Health Diabetes is a condition that is caused when blood sugar levels within the body becomes too high and can affect people of all ages. There are various side-effects of having diabetes and it is a condition that should be taken seriously and monitored closely. Looking after your eyes when you have diabetes is vital as having the condition can cause eye problems, which if not looked after correctly, can lead to deterioration and potential irreversible eye damage. In this article I will look at 4 ways  diabetes can affect the eyes. 1. Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is probably the most commonly known complication of having diabetes and must be taken seriously as it can lead to blindness. Diabetic retinopathy affects the retina, which is the back of eye. The retina is the part of the eye that converts the light we see into signals which are sent to the brain via the optic nerve, this is then processed by the brain into the images that